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Enforcement Dashboard and Smart Guard

Gain More Parking Enforcement Insights with the New Update

Kimmy Donato avatar
Written by Kimmy Donato
Updated over a week ago

Our new enforcement updates will help you:

  • Observe the activity of your parking enforcement agents

  • Note areas that have the most and least enforcement activity

  • Track how many checks or violations occur daily, weekly, and monthly

  • Identify repeat unauthorized occupants or suspicious vehicles

  • Be in control of your parking data

  • Enforce like a boss!

Enforcement Dashboard

All of these updates will appear in the Enforcement Section in the Manager Menu

Column 1: Enforcement

Use this section to review your enforcement settings.

You can’t change what you don’t know, so this section clearly details your basic enforcement settings and metrics, such as how many checks should be performed per week, how to notify residents of a violation, and when violations escalate.

Under "Checking" you can update the target number of checks per week.

Column 2: Activity Overview

If you’re curious about the current state of your parking and enforcement, start here with the Activity Overview. A quick glance at this column will reveal the highlights so you know where to dig deeper.

Heat Map

Use the heat map to identify problem areas and track enforcement efficiency.

The new dashboard has a birds-eye view of your property. You can toggle between the default view or satellite view. At a glance, you’ll notice a few patterns:

  • Blue = checks (anytime a field agent searches a vehicle, parking space, or unit)

  • Red/orange = violations (anytime a violation, warning, or tow is recorded)

  • Hot spots = clusters where a high volume of violations occur

Is enforcement only taking place near the entrance, or does it reach the corners of your property? Do your agents issue violations? Are residents occupying guest zones? If you’re asking those kinds of questions, this heat map will provide the answers you’re looking for.

Checks and Violations

Use these graphs to quickly review enforcement performance and hold your enforcement team accountable.

Below the heat map are two graphs with expanded information. The first one details checks. Each vertical bar represents the daily and weekly number of checks, while the horizontal line is a customizable metric for a weekly target. Our team has already set this target based on your community’s size, but you can change that number by contacting our Customer Success team.

The second bar graph includes the same daily, weekly, and monthly information for violations. As a manager, this information clearly describes what your enforcement team is — or isn’t — doing during their patrols. Get the most value from your patrol team by holding them accountable to regular patrols.


Use this number to understand how many vehicles are receiving repeat violations.

What happens after a vehicle receives a violation that places them on the tow/boot/fine list? It’s recorded as an escalation. This number alerts you to how many escalations have taken place during the specified date range.

Column 3: Activity By Day

Use this section to track the activity of your parking enforcement agents.

Wondering what enforcement took place last night, or last week? The convenient calendar view shows enforcement activity day-by-day.

  • Gray = only checks were performed

  • Orange = checks and violations were performed

  • Blank = no enforcement took place

If you click on a specific date, the checks and violations for that day will appear below the calendar, including the date, time, details, and pictures of each violation.

Column 4: Activity By User

Use this section to track the activity of all users.

  • Blue = checks (anytime a user searches a vehicle, parking space, or unit)

  • Orange = violations (anytime a violation, warning, or tow is recorded by the user)

Column 5: Violations Monitoring

Use this section to review violation data and thresholds.

This section is a list of vehicles that have triggered various violation thresholds. It’s the best place to view your community’s history of violations, including ones that place a vehicle on the boot/tow/fine list.


Use this number to understand how many vehicles are receiving repeat violations.

What happens after a vehicle receives a violation that places them on the tow/boot/fine list? It’s recorded as an escalation. This number alerts you to how many escalations have taken place during the specified date range.

Column 6: Usage Monitoring

Use this to watch or limit excessive registrations.

This brand new feature is built on the metering system. You can now view how many times a vehicle has registered in your community. This data may also be used to block a registration for a vehicle that has exceeded their limit.

Column 7: Activity Monitoring

Use these metrics to identify vehicles that are trying to avoid parking rules.

Suspicious vehicles are ones that have a similar license plate number to a previously registered guest or resident. We encourage you to regularly review this list to determine if vehicles are attempting to break your parking rules.

  • Someone may accidentally be put on this list if they made a typo when entering their license plate number.

  • Someone may be lying about their license plate number so they can avoid parking rules or time limits.

  • Someone is moving parking spaces to avoid parking limits or scheduled patrols.

Column 8: Rules Monitoring

Use this to identify every time someone gets blocked from registering.

This is an expansive list of every vehicle, license plate number, unit number, date, time, and location of who was blocked from registering.

Smart Guard

Column 1: Smart Guard

This column gives a brief overview of Smart Guard.

Column 2: Enforced Limits

This column shows your unit and/or vehicle limits set in your Parking Attendant. It also displays units/vehicles that are close to reaching the limit.

Column 3: High Usage

Use this column to quickly see how many vehicles are over-parking on your property. We can match this to your per unit limit or set a custom meter.

You no longer have to wonder if someone is storing an extra vehicle in the back of your property or if there are unauthorized residents in your community. This metric tells you how many vehicles are exceeding their parking limits.

Column 4: Automated Enforcement

Use this number to note how many vehicles were denied registration.

Anytime a vehicle exceeds its allotted parking time, enters a wrong passcode, or fails to register, it is flagged here.

Column 5: Fraud Detection

Use this number to identify how many vehicles are flagged as suspicious.

Our advanced software solutions identify the number of vehicles that may be suspicious. This number simply helps you understand if there is any suspicious activity to look into further.

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or if you would like to schedule some time to review!

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