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Getting started with Parking Boss

Adding/Deleting users, assign Smart Decals, Virtual Gate/Passcode, Violations, Help

Jennifer avatar
Written by Jennifer
Updated over 3 years ago

Setup your Team

  1. Select Team from the left-hand side menu.

  2. Add Team members as either a Full Access User (Leasing Team, Property Manager, Board) or Enforcement Only (Field Agent - maintenance, courtesy patrol, tow company) by toggling between the options.

  3. Parking Boss will send an email so that each user can choose their password. 

  4. If you need to delete a Team member select Remove from the Team list view.

How do I use Parking Boss on my mobile device (for Field Agents)?

Your cell phone camera is most likely already a QR Code Reader - open up your cell phone camera and hover over a QR Code to read it. If your cell phone camera is not a QR Code reader you can download free versions from the app store.

Log into your Parking Boss account from your device, save your login credentials and depending on your phone settings, you should be able to access details from Parking Boss after scanning a QR code.

Contact Information

The Parking Attendant for each community display information about who to contact with questions. If you need to update your community's contact info please reach out through the help chat or share the updates with your Customer Success Manager.

Assign Smart Decals 

  1. Select Smart Decals from the left-hand side menu.

  2. Select Assign Smart Decal from the right-hand side menu.

  3. Select a Smart Decal from your supply and assign that decal number by entering it into the Smart Decal field.

  4. Complete all other fields for residents. 

BEST PRACTICE: Enter vehicle make/model/color in the notes field. 

When registering vehicles that belong to Community Staff a BEST PRACTICE is to leave the apartment field blank and enter Staff or Employee in the notes field first, before entering the make/model/color. Parking Boss can also provide Employee/Staff or other decal options depending on your needs - [email protected].

Move Out a Resident

  1. Select Lookup from the left-hand side menu.

  2. Select Apartment/Condo/Townhome tab.

  3. Enter the apartment number and the history for that apartment will display.

  4. Select Reset Apartment from the right-hand side menu.

BEST PRACTICE: Add Move Out to the Notes field.

Guest Parking with Parking Attendant

Guests self-register with Parking Attendant by scanning the QR Code on the Guest Parking sign or visiting the Parking Attendant URL. Guests must complete all of the applicable fields to register their vehicle and select time that is within the visitation parking limits established for the guest parking area.

Guests are emailed or will receive a text confirmation after successfully completing the registration process. Guests will also receive an email or a text message roughly 15-minutes prior to their permit expiring.

How do I assign reserved spaces, carports or garages?

Parking Boss has imported the reserved parking information for your community based on the data you have provided.

  1. Choose Smart Decal from the left-hand side menu.

  2. Complete the required fields and provide the corresponding Smart Decal to the Resident. 

  3. No Smart Decal: Select Assigned Spaces from the left-hand side menu.

  4. Complete the required fields and provide the resident with their reserved parking info.

How do I know if a reserved space, carport or garage is already assigned in Parking Boss?

  1. Select Lookup from the left-hand side menu.

  2. Select the Parking Space option and enter the space/carport/ garage number and review the information.

  3. Or choose Reports from the left-hand side menu and select the Assigned Spaces report - don’t forget you can adjust the date range.

If you are a Parking Boss Smart Map user you will want to zoom in on the parking space on the map and if it is green you can assign the space. If it is red, the space is already assigned.

BEST PRACTICE: Use the Assigned Spaces report as a quick inventory of available carports and garages.

When should I issue a Special Permit?

Special Permits should be issued on a case-by-case basis if a guest needs parking access that falls outside of the guest parking limit policy. For example, resident BobbyJo has a broken leg and her sister is coming to take care of her for the next 2 weeks. 

To issue a Special Permit choose Guest Parking from the left-hand side menu. Select issue New Special Permit on the right-hand side menu and complete all of the fields.

BEST PRACTICE: Issue Special Permits for shorter, rather than longer, periods of time so that the resident must continue to check in with you about the status/need for the Special Permit.

Can a Manager or Field Agent stop the time for a guest permit when the visitor leaves before the time expires?

Managers can cancel Special Permits. Field Agents cannot cancel permits.

The guest can cancel their own permit from the email or text confirmation they received when they completed registering for the guest space which will update the
time used or available for that apartment/guest/visitor. This option can also be disabled.

What personal information is displayed when a Smart Decal QR code is scanned?

When a Smart Decal QR code is scanned by someone who does not have access to a Parking Boss account, the following information is visible:

When a Smart Decal QR code is scanned by someone with Parking Boss account access the following information is visible:

What information is needed to register a guest vehicle with Parking Attendant?

License Plate Number
Apartment number of guest they are visiting
Email address
Phone Number
The guest must also indicate the length of time they will be utilizing the space (options vary based on your specific parking policies).
Passcode - optional feature with Parking Boss PRO account.

Vehicle description - make/model/color
For additional field modifications please contact the Customer Success Team - [email protected].

What is the Virtual Gate feature?

The Virtual Gate is an optional feature available with Parking Boss PRO and PREMIUM Accounts. Virtual Gate is a unique 6-digit number Passcode assigned to each residence/apartment. If the Passcode option is enabled for your guest parking, a resident’s guest must input the Passcode at the time of guest parking registration.

How do I reset a resident Passcode?

  1. Select Lookup from the left-hand side menu.

  2. Select Apartment and on the right side menu choose the Reset Passcode option and then share the new passcode with the resident.

BEST PRACTICE: From the left-hand side menu go to Documents and print out the Guest Parking Notice and write in the new Passcode. 

A resident has a new/different car - how do I delete a Smart Decal and assign a new Smart Decal?

  1. Select Lookup on the left-hand side menu and enter the Smart Decal number. When the Smart Decal details populate select Revoke and then add notes.  

  2. To assign a new Smart Decal select Smart Decals from the left-hand side menu and then select Assign Smart Decal from the right-hand side menu and populate the required data. 

If the resident has a new car but was not issued a temporary plate enter NEWCAR or NOPLATE in the license plate field. You can also enter VIN+xxxx (where x is the last 4 or 5 numbers of the vehicle's VIN). The resident will need to provide you with the updated license plate information as soon as they receive it. In the case of a new car with no temporary plate you could also issue a Special Permit. 

Can a resident update their Smart Decal details?

No, residents are not able to update the details attached to the Smart Decal that you assigned them.  Residents are unable to edit the details attached to the Smart Decal so that they cannot be transferred.

Should I issue a Special Permit or a Printed Pass?

Special Permits should be issued on a case-by-case basis where a guest’s need for parking will exceed the guest threshold - example: BobbyJo’s mom will need to park at the community for the next 2 weeks as she helps her daughter who just had a baby. Here’s an example of some of the situations that could utilize Special Permits: Reasonable Accommodations requests for caregiver parking or other caregiver situations, parking for a house-sitter while a resident is away, or a resident who is temporarily using a rental car.

Printed Passes should be issued for contractors or vendors performing work at the community, a group of people visiting the community for training/meeting, or a special event at the Cabana, like a Birthday Party or Superbowl Party.


What is the Safelist?

The Safelist displays registered guest vehicles and vehicles that have been issued Special Permits. The Safelist is visible to all user levels, including Field Agent. To access the Safelist select Guest Parking from left-hand side menu and the Safelist is the default view.

What is the Flagged list?

The Flagged list displays a list of potential guest parking violators.  Guests who register vehicles with similar information in an attempt to bypass guest parking rules will appear on the Flagged list. This feature is available with Parking Boss PRO and PREMIUM Accounts.

How do I issue a violation?

  1. If you are a Manager choose Field Agent from the left-hand side menu and then select Lookup from the left-hand side menu in Field Agent view. If you are a Field Agent select Lookup when you log in.

  2. Enter the license plate number for the vehicle violating the parking rules. 

  3. Select Record Violation from the right-hand side menu and enter the appropriate details - don’t forget to take photos and enter the Parking Boss Warning violation sticker number!  Any notes entered here will be read by the violator if they look-up the details attached to the violation.

Can a resident look up the violation attached to their vehicle? 

Yes, a resident can look up the vehicle's violation by scanning the QR Code on the Parking Boss Smart Warning violation sticker or by going to the URL printed on the Parking Boss Smart Warning violation sticker and entering in the warning's 7-digit number.

When/why should an apartment/vehicle be banned or towed?

An apartment or a vehicle should be banned to alert staff, courtesy patrol or a tow company that a vehicle should not ever be parked in the lot and should be towed immediately. Guest vehicles that have exceeded the violation threshold established by your policies can be banned so courtesy patrol or a tow company can take the appropriate next steps, usually towing the car.

Vehicles that have been banned can be viewed by selecting Safelist from the left-hand side menu and then toggling to Banned Vehicles. 

Vehicles that should be towed upon next violation can be viewed by selecting Flagged or Violations from the left-hand side menu and then toggling to Violations or the Enforcement tab.

How do I change the guest parking or tow thresholds?

If you would like to review and update your guest parking (Example: guests may park for 5 days each month) or tow thresholds (Example: tow after first violation/warning) give us a call (877.387.7275), email us ([email protected]) or chat with us. This is a setting that only a Parking Boss team member can update.


What can I find using the Lookup option?

The Lookup option allows you to access the data in Parking Boss by searching the fields license plate number, Smart Decal number, apartment number or parking space number.

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